
Countdown to Election Day – Take Action Now

secondamendmentgunWhile it’s hard to think about next November while we’re still fighting off the chills of January winds and snow, some of the most important elections will actually take place in May. And an hour or two of your time now can make a difference in the results of those elections.

Find the Candidates
Most candidates are declaring for office right now. The paperwork for office isn’t due until March, but anyone looking to have a solid campaign for the nomination of a major party is likely to have some kind of structure in place by now. While a dedicated candidate could certainly try to build momentum at the last minute, it may be more of a challenge.

Search online to find out who is running in your district. Candidates for Congress are likely to have the highest profile, but with the ease of creating webpages, state and local candidates may already have a public presence.

Local party websites in most counties don’t have a list of candidates for 2010 posted at this time. Based on past posting behavior, they will likely only post a list of candidates after the primary election. However, you could contact the local party leaders to find out if anyone has declared for specific races.

Go Where the Candidates Are
While the rights to self-defense and hunt are not partisan issues, this may be a time to check out organizations on the right and left to find out if they are hosting “meet the candidate” evenings or events. Some of these may only be open to members, but others may be open to the public.

On the right, local “tea party” organizations have made a difference in Republican races around the country, perhaps most notably in New York’s special election late last year. However, some are taking a more informed voter approach and hosting candidate forums. Check online on sites like MeetUp.com or other organizing sites to find out more.

Contact the Candidates
Whether you find them online or meet them in person, contact candidates running on either side of the aisle in your district. Let them know that you are a gun owner, and it is important to you as a voter that they complete a questionnaire from the NRA. Candidates should be able to contact NRA-ILA to get a copy of it when it is available, or they may email us at admin (at) pagunrights (dot) com for appropriate contact information.

Here at PAGunRights.com, we will update you with information as we find out more during the upcoming election season. If you have tips or candidates to highlight, contact the appropriate EVC at:

Bucks/Philadelphia/Montgomery Counties – 8thDistrictEVC (at) pagunrights (dot) com
Montgomery/Philadelphia Counties – 13thDistrictEVC (at) pagunrights (dot) com
Adams/Cumberland/York Counties – 19thDistrictEVC (at) pagunrights (dot) com

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