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Gun Shows Banned from State Property?
The Associated Press reported that Gov. Tom Corbett is considering a ban on any gun shows on public property, but it appears to be a case of the press creating a story where there otherwise is none. Considering that the Governor recently made clear that gun bans are not on the table for the Commonwealth…
Southeast PA Candidate Event
Pro-gun candidates on the right will participate in a Philadelphia-area candidate forum for Senate, House seats, Governor, and Lt. Governor.

Gubernatorial Candidates on Social Media
If you want to keep up with what all of the candidates for Governor are saying to try and win votes, keep up them on social media outlets. It’s a great way to catch semi-candid comments about issues of the day, and sometimes that includes the Second Amendment. Republicans Tom Corbett Twitter: @CorbettForGov Facebook Sam…

We Don’t Give ‘A’s for Effort
In the pro-Second Amendment movement, politicians know that if they really need to stand up for sportsmen and their rights before they get a reasonable grade. But we don’t give credit just for showing up. However, the anti-gun crowd is in such desperate shape that they do have to give out points for even acknowledging…
Hoeffel Denounces Right to Keep & Bear Arms
In an attack on Attorney General Tom Corbett, Joe Hoeffel denounced the 2008 DC v. Heller decision that guaranteed an individual right to arms.
We Win!
The Second Amendment is now incorporated to cover state and local governments according to today’s opinion released in McDonald vs. Chicago. According to SCOTUS Blog, the decision has been released today, and we’ll have more details as the opinion is shared with the public. In the meantime, please take a few minutes to thank the…